Welcome to the Jungle- Podcast

How Does God Speak to People?

Carlos Ventura & Julie Roberts Season 2 Episode 2
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00:00 | 37:29

Join us as we talk about how God speaks to His people.  Using the Scriptures as our guide we will look at the history of God communicating with His people and discuss if that still applies today.  We will include: the reading of the word, prayer, dreams, visions, and prophesy.  Pastor Jim, Carlos and Julie each offer a different perspective as they share their understanding and experiences.  Settle in with a cup of coffee or tea and participate in this interesting topic. 
You can join on YouTube to see the podcast in video at https://youtube.com/@JungleLoveMexico?si=LRvWTzVju5ajE8jm

Pastor Jim
The Wild Branch Ministries international @digitalpastorjim

Jim:  https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=Digitalpastorjim&t=1728871387131
Carlos:  https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=carlos&t=1728871459170
Julie:  https://www.tiktok.com/search?q=Julie.of.the.jungle&t=1728871431177

Youtube: @JungleLoveMexico
Instagram: @junglelove_mexico